This exquisitely crafted coming of age tale follows a pair of Latina teens who fall gradually in love against the backdrop of East L.A. When straight A student Yolanda aka Mosquita (Fenessa Pineda) decides to help struggling tough girl Mari (Venecia Troncoso) with her homework, an intense attraction evolves between the two. As their friendship grows, a yearning to explore their strange yet beautiful connection surfaces. Lost in their private world of unspoken affection, lingering gazes, and heart-felt confessions of uncertain futures, Yolanda s grades begin to slip while Mari s focus drifts away from her duties at a new job. Mounting pressures at home collide with their new-found desires thus driving Yolanda and Mari s relationship to the edge, forcing them to choose between their obligations to others and staying true to each other. A genuinely unique and tender story about young love, Mosquita y Mari heralds the arrival of an exceptionally talented young filmmaker, Aurora Guerrero.
DVD | 1 disc | Spanish | Dutch subs | 85:00 minutes | 2012 | 13 november 2012
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